Change is hard for many of us. Changing our habits seems even harder so why should we even bother? We fight the good fight, but our old ways are bound to return, at least that’s what we tell ourselves so we can justify doing nothing.

If you undermine your plans for self improvement even before starting, you are simply buying into your mind’s propaganda machine – the self-protective mechanism trying to shield your self image from experiencing failure.

So first, the truth – even physically addictive habits, like drug addiction, can be changed. Just ask the millions of sober members of AA. And with the whipsaw changes in technology, we have all had to become masters at changing the ways we communicate, socialize, consume information and even the way we buy stuff. Although the SHARP Method devotes several chapters to the mechanism of habit change, the principles are simple and straight forward. Here are some:

1. A GOOD ATTITUDE – A good and open attitude is NOT believing you can do the impossible, it is simply being open to possibilities. It is allowing yourself to remain curious rather than judging. It is believing in your power to adapt and change at the speed of life.

2. A GOOD BAROMETER – Everyone benefits from having a clear, unambiguous way to measure whether their current habits of behavior and thinking are “good” or “bad.” The SHARP Method gives you tools to assess your habits, and to conquer those thoughts and behaviors that impede
personal growth and purpose.
In this way, the appropriateness of a given behavior becomes clearIf, for an example, you are an adrenaline junky in the habit of taking risks, this works fine if you are single and a rock climber; but, if you are an airline pilot, being a daredevil probably isn’t appreciated by the passengers.

The SHARP Method will take participants through exercises of personal discovery, which will lead to “Who Am I” and “What’s My Purpose.” This may sound a little mystical but it’s not. Your “Who Am I” is a SHARP Method tool, which allows you to benefit from a deep look at who you have been to date and how you would like to be seen by others moving forward. Your Purpose, what you choose to live your life for, opens up to you naturally at the culmination of your quest through the first four steps of SHARP, the S,H,A and R.

SNAP – Once you have clarified your identity and purpose, we introduce SNAP, which is like a reset button. Trying to dump these unwanted habits without something to fill the void, IS hard. The SHARP Method instructs you in the process of SNAPing (rebooting your system) whenever you find yourself embarking, or about to embark, on the old unwanted behavior. SNAP facilitates the new “winning” habit; All the better to remain consistent in saying who you are, and where you are going.

So, as Michael Jackson said, what do you say we “make that change!”

Vaughn Feather